+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

Various methods are employed to dry flowers and foliage. Describe any three methods.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The method adopted for drying depends largely on the character of the plant, that is to say whether the plant is glabrous, succulent or not succulent, hardy or delicate in nature.

(a) Air drying - Air drying flowers is one of the easiest methods of preservation and gives plants a crisp look that lasts for years. It is the oldest and easiest drying technique. No special equipment is needed. The stems of flowers and their foliage are tied and hung upside down. However, it is one of the longest drying methods. It usually takes three to four weeks for the flowers to dry completely. The flowers are hanged upside down so that the stem *** straight. If they are hanged with right side up, they would bend over and the result will be dried flowers with distorted stems.

(b) Press drying: One of the most popular methods for drying flowers is to put them under pressure, to remove the moisture out while leaving the ***** of the flowers and structure intact. The easiest method is placing them in heavy books and allow for drying. Flower presses can also be used. Unglazed paper, such as newsprint or an old telephone book, is best for pressing

(c) Drying by embedding in dessicants :

A is simply a substance with a high affinity for water which can be used as a drying agent. Embedding the flowers in a granular, desiccating material is probably the most commonly used method Most well known desiccant is silica gel and borax The container must be kept closed during the drying process. After 4-14 days, depending on the thickness of the flower, the flower will be dry.
