+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Sharvan Joshi is a student of Political Science and is a keen researcher of Political issues related to various countries and states. He wants to share his research and his own opinion on these issues on day -to-day basis with everyone on the World Wide Web. He is also interested in collecting views of others to enhance his research and knowledge related to his area of interest. He belongs to a middle class family and can’t afford his own website. Also being a non-technical person he can’t create a dynamic website to deal with day-to-day inputs.

(a) Suggest an easy way for Shravan to achieve the same.

(b) Also name any two popular websites providing free services that can help Shravan in this regard.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(a) Shravan should develop a blog.

(b) Blogger.Com Wordpress.Com
