+3 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Mrs. Sharma is the mother of six months old boy. Suggest three ways she can take care of her diet along with appropriate reason. Write down four points she should consider while introducing weaning food to her child.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Dietary Consideration for Mrs. Sharma:

i. She should consume frequent small meals.

ii. She should include more Protein energy and Vitamin C in her diet.

iii. She should avoid oily and spicy fried as it may cause indigestion to infant.

iv. She should include fruits and milk in her diet. So that she can get Vitamin C and Calcium in appropriate amount.

Points to be considered while introducing weaning to 6 months old child:

i. Introduce one food at a time.

ii. Do not force the child to eat.

iii. Strat with liquid diet such as dal water, rice water.

iv. Start with one or two teaspoon.

v. Gradually change the consistency of food.
