+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Complete the following summary of the poem by filling in the blanks with suitable words or phrases.

(i) The first stanza describes a landscape with "the sun

(ii) __," when the world is settling quietly into

(iii) _____. Night has a

(iv) __ connotation in this poem because the moon "

(v) _____ on the night," showing how night is

(vi)__and peaceful. This is continued in stanza two, where

vii) ___ tread where lambs

viii) _____ and

(ix) ___have taken delight" pour[ing] blessing." The angels’ duties are described in stanza three. Angels "visit caves" and "look in

(x) _____, keeping the animals safe and giving them sleep when the animals are

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(i) descending

(ii) night

(iii) positive

(iv) sits and smiles

(v) silent

(vi) angels

(vii) had nibbled/grazed

(viii) flocks

(ix) nests

(x) mournful
