+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

Mention the name of the artist of each of the following contemporary (modern) Indian art- works included in your course of study;

(a) The Vulture (a painting)

(b) Mother Teresa (a painting)

(c) **** (a graphic-print)

(d) Man, woman and tree (a graphic-print)

(e) Triumph of Labour (a sculpture)

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

(1) Magician (a painting done by Gaganendranath Tagore)

(2) The Vulture (a painting done by Kamlesh Dutt Pande)

(3) **** (a graphic-print done by Somnath ****)

(4) Man, Woman and Tree (a graphic-print done by K. Luxma Goud)

(5) Cries un-heard (a sculpture done by Amarnath Sehgal)
