+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

Write a short note on any two of the given options:

(a) Realistic lighting

(b) Compositional lighting

(c) Psychological lighting.

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Realistic lightning (plausible effect):

If the audience does not perceive any reality in a scene it can safely be said that the lightning was illogical. The audience accepts reality as it is closer to human experiences. This is why if an impression of reality needs to be established in a realistic type play, the lightning should appear to be coming from such a source which is logical and naturally feasible, unless desired otherwise. Today, due to sensitive lightning equipments, it is possible to achieve this. For example, by throwing a beam of light from a spot with a blue ** filter for a dark night, blue-green for moonlight, orange for sunset, with a cut out of bars from a window with the use of **** media and help of dimmers. The intensity of light can be controlled resulting in greater flexibility and realistic effects.

Compositional lightning :

Selective visibility in this concept is one selected area, where the action takes place, is emphasized upon while the other areas are illuminated to lesser degree. Skillful lightning draws and holds the attention of the audience to that specific area and object that needs to be highlighted the lighting should assist in the proper balancing of the stage picture. It is imperative to achieve a convincing balance between the lighted darkened areas or perhaps the intermixture of dimly lit area. The lighting is usually modified according to the genre of the play and style of presentation of the play. Many times, the attention of the audience needs to be drawn towards certain objects on stage-bookshelves, paintings, sculptures etc that is when lighting is used to emphasize the object while keeping other objects and actors in dim or dark areas. All these properties, when emphasized upon, show the family background, social economic constitution and much more.

Psychological lighting :

The lighting plays an important role in establishing the mood of a play. It has been proved through different experiments with stage lightning that light darkness and values have their own characters and psychological values which establish the mood and spirit of the play. Generally light signifies joy, happiness and life, darkness symbolizes mystery and . Blue cyclorama gives the effect of a cool atmosphere and red gives a feeling of anger and ****. It is an old formula that light should bright for a comedy and dim for tragedy.
