+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example.

And a very/ the king/ named Acanthus/ talented sculptor/ Pygmalion was/ of Cyprus/ of a village.

Pygmalion was the king of Cyprus and a very talented sculptor of a village named Acanthus.

(a) had finished/ he smiled/ when he/ the ivory statue/ of a beautiful woman/ one day

(b) smile/ at having found/ it was/ the innocent/ new and unique/ of a child/ something

(c) by the beauty/ that/ to worship it/ he was/ falling down/ he felt like/ so impressed/ on his knees/ of the statue

(d) that he/ a masterpiece/ and called/ he realized/ this beauty,/ had created/ Galatea

(e) was a devoted/ to the goddess/ he prayed/ to breathe life/ into it/ of Aphrodite,/ since he/ follower

(f) to life and/ married her/ after the goddess/ his wish,/ Pygmalion/ Galatea came/ granted him

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(a) One day when he had finished the ivory statue of a beautiful woman, he smiled.

(b) It was the innocent smile of a child at having found something new and unique.

(c) He was so impressed by the beauty of the statue that he felt like falling down on his knees to worship it.

(d) He realized that he had created a masterpiece and called this beauty Galatea.

(e) Since he was a devoted follower of Aphrodite, he prayed to the goddess to breathe life into it.

(f) After the goddess granted him his wish, Galatea came to life and Pygmalion married her.
