+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

What are proteins? Write its functions along with its daily requirement.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Proteins are constituents of all the body cells most important substance that regulate metabolic processes. The basic structure of proteins is a chain of amino acids that contains carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen. They are essential for growth and repair of muscles and other body tissues.

The daily requirement of protein to our body is about is about 20 g.

Sources: The best sources are egg, milk, meat, poultry, beef and milk products. Grains, fruits and vegetables are the sources of incomplete proteins.


(i) The cells of muscles, tendons, ligaments are maintained.

(ii) It is the main component of muscles, organs and glands.

(iii) It is required for the formation of hormones enzymes and hemoglobin.
