+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Write in brief about effects of exercise on cardiovascular system.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Effects of exercise on cardiovascular system: cardiovascular exercise includes all aerobic such as jogging, cycling, running, rhythmic and playing games and sports. The benefits of these exercise on cardiovascular system are as follows.

(i) Increase in efficiency of heart rate, i.e., the resting heart decreases due to effects of exercise.

(ii) Increase in blood flow in body, i.e., It distributes more blood to different parts of the body during exercise.

(iii) Increase in ** volume, i.e., amount of blood pumped by the heart per **** increases specially during endurance sports.

(iv)The cardiac output also increases with physical exercise, because of exercise heart rate as well as ** volume increases.
