+3 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Discuss some ways and means for political reform in India.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

Some broad guidelines that can be kept in mind while devising ways and means for political reforms in India are:

Legal ways of reforming politics: Carefully devised changes in laws can help to discourage wrong political practices and encourage good ones. But, legalconstitutional changes by themselves cannot overcome challenges to the democracy. Democratic reforms are to be carried out mainly by the political activists, parties, movements and politically conscious citizens.

Careful study of consequences should be done: If there is any legal change, it must carefully look at what results it will have on politics. Sometimes the results may be counter-productive. For example, many states have banned people from contesting Panchayat elections who have more than two ****. This has resulted in denial of political opportunity to many poor and *****, which was not intended.

Ways to strengthen the democratic practice: Democratic reforms are to be brought about principally through political practice. Therefore, the main focus of the reforms should be on ways to strengthen the democratic practice.

The most important concern should be to increase and improve the quality of political participation by ordinary citizens.

Any proposal of political reform should think not only about what is a good solution but also consider about who will implement it and how. It is not wise to think that legislatures will pass legislations that will go against the interest of all political parties and MPs. But, measures that rely on democratic movements, citizens, organisations and the media are likely to succeed.
