+3 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

Difference between Prokaryotic cell and Eukaryotic cell

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

| | Prokaryotes | Eukaryotes |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Cell and cell size | Always unicellular and the size in between 0.2- 2.0 micrometers in diameter | Mostly multi-cellular and the size in between 10 – 100 mm in diameter |
| Cell wall | Usually present; chemically complex in nature | When present, chemically simple in nature |
| Nucleus | Is absent | Is present |
| Ribosomes | These cells consist of ribosomes which are smaller in size and circular in shape when compared to the cells of eukaryotes. | The ribosomes of eukaryotes are larger in size and are linear in shape. |
| DNA arrangement | Circular in shape | Linear in shape |
| Mitochondria | Is absent | Is present |
| Cytoplasm | The cytoplasm in prokaryotes does not contain the endoplasmic reticulum | In this, the cytoplasm has the endoplasmic reticulum |
| Plasmids | Present in prokaryotes | Very rarely found in eukaryotes |
| Ribosome | small ribosomes. | large ribosomes. |
| Lysosome | In this, the lysosome, mesosome, and centrosome is absent | Mesosome, Lysosomes, and centrosomes are usually present in Eukaryotes |
| Cell division | Through binary fission | Through mitosis |
| Nucleus | It has no nucleus. | It has a true nucleus, bounded by a double membrane. |
| Flagella | The flagella is smaller in size in prokaryotes | The flagella is larger in size in case of eukaryotes |
| Reproduction | Asexual | Both asexual or ** |
| Example | Bacteria and Archaea | Plant and Animal cell |
