+3 votes
in Mathematics by kratos

Fish identity card. How are fishes characterized according to examples of representing beings, basic morphology, skin, respiration, circulation, nitrogen waste, thermal control and types of reproduction?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Examples of representing beings: sharks, rays, sardines, tuna, salmons. Basic morphology: hydrodynamic body, fins; cartilaginous skeleton in chondrichthyes, bony skeleton in osteichthyes. Skin: with scales in osteichthyes and placoid scales in chondrichthyes. Respiration: branchial. Circulation: closed, incomplete, heart with two chambers. Nitrogen waste: urea in chondrichthyes, ammonia in osteichthyes. Thermal control: heterothermic. Types of reproduction: **, internal fecundation in chondrichthyes, external in osteichthyes.
