+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Define the Structure of Human spermatozoan.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Structure of Human spermatozoan:

  1. A human spermatozoan consists of four parts- head, neck, middle piece and tail.

  2. Head contains chromosomal material (DNA) and a cap like structure called acrosoe which contains enzymes that help in dissolving egg membrane during fertilization.

  3. Middle piece contains numerous mitochondria which provide energy for the movement of the *****.

4.Neck contains two centrioles, the proximal centriole which is necessary for first cleavage in zygote. The distal centriole is connected with tail.

  1. Tail – It consists of axial filament surrounded by the plasma membrane. Tail helps in the movement of *****.
