+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Mayank’* father never bothered to check the brand/or contents of the salt he had purchased from the market. Mayank noticed that her sister had developed swollen neck. The doctor advised her to eat iodised salt.

(i) Name the ** from which Mayank’ sister suffered.

(ii) Why has the doctor advised her to eat iodised salt?

(iii) How will this incidence influence Mayank’* attitude towards health?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(i) She may be suffering from Goitre/Thyroid related ***.

(ii) Iodine present in iodised salt is needed to produce thyroxin hormone.

(iii) Mayank would become more careful regarding health, will be conscious of his diet and of people around him.
