+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

If all matter were made of electrically neutral particles such as neutrons,
(a) there would be no force of friction
(b) there would be no tension in the string
(c) it would not be possible to sit on a chair
(d) the earth could not move around the sun.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(a) there would be no force of friction
(b) there would be no tension in the string
(c) it would not be possible to sit on a chair


For the existence of friction between two bodies and tension in a string, electromagnetic force is needed. Electromagnetic force exists only between charged particles. For sitting on a chair, we need fractional force. A neutral particle can exert gravitational force on other neutral particles. So, even if all the matters were made up of electrically neutral particles, the earth will still move around the sun.
