+3 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

Choose from the given words below the two sentences, that word which has the same meaning and can be used in the same context as the part given underlined in both the sentences :

  1. His "aloof" behaviour is an indication of his arrogance.

  2. During our field visits we visited "remote" parts of Rajasthan.

(A) Far-***

(B) Introvert

(C) Distant

(D) Depressed

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Correct option (C) Distant


Far :*

It can't be used in place of 'aloof' as far ***' means long-long ago. Hence, incorrect alternative .

Introvert :

It means 'self-centred', Hence, It is an incorrect alternative.

distance :

This is an appropriate word because one of the meaning of 'aloof' is distant also while keeping distance between two nouns.

Depressed :

(it means 'hopeless') Hence, quite irrelevant.
