+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Directions: In each question you find a set of sentences arranged in a haphazard way. Choose the correct arrangement of sentences as indicated by the number to make a coherent paragraph.

A. To be able to integrate socially and excel in great Indian marketplace, it makes good sense to be conversant with regional languages other than just ones mother **.

B. A willingness to adopt and adapt to another language will enrich the individual.

C. Indeed, most urban Indians are bilingual and speak a smattering of at least a third language.

D. Migration to where opportunity beckons is the order of the day and Indians are constantly shifting base within the country.

E. In the 21 st century marketplace, languages are the new bargaining chips.

F. While English must be actively promoted, it would be foolhardy to let regional languages fall *** the radar.





1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The Correct Option is (1) FBADCE
