+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

Directions:Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. The first of the political causes of war is war itself. Many wars have been fought, among other reasons, for the sake of seizing some strategically valuable piece of territory, or in order to secure a 'natural' frontier, that is to say, a frontier which is easy to defend and from which it is easy to launch attacks upon one'* neighbours. Purely military advantages are almost as highly praised by the rulers of nations as economic advantages. The possession of an army, navy and air force is itself a reason for going to a war. We must use our forces now, so runs the militarists argument, in order that we may be in 'a position to use them to better effect next time'.

What does a 'natural' frontier mean?

(1) An area on the border from where you can keep watch on or ** your *****.

(2) Some place on the border of a country having beautiful natural scenery.

(3) A borderline that has been naturally chosen by two neighbouring countries.

(4) A sudden gift of land by nature because of sudden change in the course of a river.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The Correct option is (1) An area on the border from where you can keep watch on or **** your ***.
