+3 votes
in Mathematics by kratos

Re-entry occurs when a person leaves his or her social system for a ** of time and then returns. Which of the situations described below best describes re-entry?

A. When he is offered a better paying position, Ram leaves the restaurant he manages to manage a new restaurant on the other side of the town.

B. Sheela is spending her first year of college studying abroad in London.

C. Mohan is readjusting to civilian life after five years of service in Indian Army as an officer.

D. After several miserable months, Neeta decides that she can no longer share an apartment with her room-mate Mita.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Correct option: C. Mohan is readjusting to civilian life after five years of service in Indian Army as an officer.


Mohan is the only person returning to a social system that he has been away from for an extended ** of time.
