+3 votes
in Computer by kratos

What are compilers and interpreters? List the advantages of an interpreter over a compiler. Under which situations you will prefer to use interpreter over compiler.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Compiler and Interpreter: These are two types of language translators.

A compiler converts the source program (user-written program) into an object code (machine language by checking the entire program before ****. If the program is error free, object program is created and loaded into memory for ****. A compiler produces an error list of the program in one go and all have to be taken care even before the **** of first statement begin. It takes less time for ****. An interpreter is also a language translator that translates and executes statements in the program one by one. It work on one statement at a time and if error free, executes the instruction before going to second instruction. Debugging is simpler in interpreter as it is done in stages. An interpreter takes more time for ***** of a program as compared to a compiler.
