+1 vote
in Mathematics by kratos

Two piston/cylinder arrangements, A and B, have their gas chambers connected by a pipe. Cross-sectional areas are AA = 75 cm2 and AB = 25 cm2 with the piston mass in A being mA = 25 kg. Outside pressure is 100 kPa and standard gravitation. Find the mass mB so that none of the pistons have to rest on the bottom.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

Force balance for both pistons:

F↑ = F↓

A: mPAg + P0AA = PAA

B: mPBg + P0AB = PAB

Same P in A and B gives no flow between them.

=> mPB = mPA AA/ AB = 25 × 25/75

= 8.33 kg
