+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Read the passage and answer the questions.

If I had been asked in my early youth whether I preferred to have dealings only with men or only with books, my answer would certainly have been in favour of books. In later years, this has become less and less the case. Not that I have had so much better experiences with men than with books, on the contrary, purely delightful book even now come my way more often than purely delightful men. But the many bad experiences with men have nourished the meadow of my life as the noblest book could not do.

The author says thay in later years his love of books diminished because :

(a) he had given up the habit of reading books

(b) he did not got many delightful books to read

(c) he had better experience with men than with books

(d) even the bad experiences he had with men were more valuable than what the noblest book gave

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Correct option (d) even the bad experiences he had with men were more valuable than what the noblest book gave


According to the passage the author says that in later years his love of books diminished because even the bad experiences he had with men were more valuable than what the noblest book gave.
