+2 votes
in JEE by kratos

JEE Main Solutions for Code A, B, C, D 2018 available for downloads.

Hi friends, please find the solutions for JEE Main 2018 provided by different renowned coaching institutes.

JEE Main Solutions 2018 by Coaching Centres

| Name of Coaching Institute | Solution |
| --- | --- |
| Aakash Institute | Code - C |
| Resonance | Available soon |
| Career Point | Click here |
| Allen Kota | Code C - Maths, Code C - Physics, Code C - Chemistry |
| Rao IIT Academy | Available soon |
| Vidyamandir Classes | Code B - Maths, Code B - Chemistry, Code B - Physics |
| IITians PACE Academy | Code A |
| Motion IIT-JEE | Code - D |
| Bansal Classes | Available soon |

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

See above for the solution of JEE Main 2018
