+3 votes
by kratos

Compare the drainage system in your locality with that of the cities mentioned in the lesson. What similarities and difference do you notice?

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

In the present times, the drainage system in the cities are highly developed. There is an underground drainage system with covered drains.The bathrooms, toilets and kitchens have underground system and are connected to the main drains outside.

The ancient cities had ring well system.In many cities, archaeologists have found rows of pots, or ceramic rings arranged one on top of other. They may have been used as toilets in some cases and as drains and garbage dumps. These ring wells have been found in individual houses.

| Ancient cities. | Present cities. |
| --- | --- |
| (1) Toilets in the houses. | (1) Toilets in the houses, with cisterns and flushes. |
| (2) Ring wells were used as garbage bins. | (2) In present times, there are garbage pits, where garbage from the whole city is dumped. |
