+1 vote
in Class 9 by kratos

Write an essay about A Rainy Day.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

1. Introduction: It rains generally in the month of July and August. Some times it rains so heavily that it becomes very difficult to come out of the houses.

2. Day and month: It was the second week of July. On Monday the 20th, it was very hot. It was very difficult to move out. Suddenly the weather changed. A few patches of clouds were seen in the sky. Soon the cool breeze blew and it began to drizzle. After sometime, it began to rain heavily. It was the time to go to school. So I took my books and an umbrella and started for school. On the way I was completely wet. When I reached the school, I saw that some other boys who had come were also wet. The attendance was very short. Due to thick clouds there was darkness in the class rooms. So the Principal declared it a rainy day. We were all very happy.

3. Pleasant weather: While we were returning we saw wonderful sights. There was kneedeep water on the roads. **** were floating paper boats in the water. Some street boys were throwing mud ***** at one another. There was a beautiful rainbow in the sky. The weather was very cool and pleasant. Every one was looking happy on that day. When I reached home. I changed my clothes and had a cup of tea. After this I sat in the varandah with my parents and enjoyed the rain. I enjoyed the day very much. M
