+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Honeybees produce their young ones only by ** reproduction. Inspite of this, in a colony of bees we find both haploid and diploid individuals. Name the haploid and diploid individuals in the colony and analyse the reasons behind their formation.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The colony of honey bees has three types of members:

(i) Diploid queen are fertile females,

(ii) Worker bees are sterile females and

(iii) Drones are haploid males.

• An offspring formed from the union of a ***** and an egg develops as a female (queen or worker), and an unfertilized egg develops as a male (drone) by means of parthenogenesis. This means that the males have half the number of chromosomes than that of a female.
