+1 vote
by kratos

Derive an equation for the conversion of temperatures on the Fahrenheit to the Kelvin scale

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

c = (F - 32)5/9 ....(1)

c = k - 273.15 ......(2)

From equation (1);

F = 9c/5 + 32

Substitute equation (2) for C

F = (9(k - 273.15))/5 + 32

F = 9/5k - (9 x 273.15)/5 + 32

F = 9K/5 - 491.67 + 32 = 9K/5 - 459.67

9K/5 = F + 459.67

K = (F + 459.67)5/9

Test: Let T = 32°F

K = (32 + 459.67)5/9 = 273.15
