+1 vote
by kratos

Calculate the volume of the Earth (VE) and the Sun (Vs) and compare them to each other by dividing the volume of the Sun by the volume of the Earth. Express the result in words.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Radius of the Sun: 695,700 km

Radius of the Earth: 6378 km

Volume of a sphere = 4/3πr3

Volume of the Sun Vs = (4 x 3.14 x (695, 700)3)/3

VS = 1.4097 × 1018 km3

Volume of the Earth VE = (4 x 3.14 x (6378)3)/3

VE = 1.0862 × 1012 km3

VS/VE = (1.4097 x 1018)/(1.0862 x 1012) = 1.297 x 106 (dimensionless)

Vs = 1.297 x 106VE

The Volume of the Sun is one million two hundred ninety seven times larger than the volume of the Earth.
