+3 votes
in Chemistry by kratos

Explain the line"and stares with his brilliant eyes. at the brilliant stars

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer


He hears the last voice at night, /The patrolling cars,

And stares with his brilliant eyes /At the brilliant stars.

Word-meanings: Patrolling: moving about to check any danger Brilliant: shining


The poet again takes the reader to the cage where the tiger is sitting in the cage and feeling unpleasant and restless. He hears the sound created by the patrolling cars of the zoo authorities. He shows no interest in them. The poet shown him staring at the shining stars with his brilliant eyes.

Thus the poem ends up at the point where it had started.

The poet raises a moral issue here. He intends to present a strong case against the cruelty on animals, which are kept in cages.
