+3 votes
in Computer by kratos

Multipurpose Public School, Bangluru is Setting up the network between its Different Wings of school campus. There are 4 wings


Multipurpose Public School, Bangluru

Distance between various wings are given below:

| WingAtoWingS | 100m |
| WingAtoWingJ | 200m |
| WingAtoWingH | 400m |
| WingStoWingJ | 300m |
| WingStoWingH | 100m |
| WingJtoWingH | 450m |

Number of Computers installed at various wings are as follows:

| Wings | NumberofComputers |
| WingA | 20 |
| WingS | 150 |
| WingJ | 50 |
| WingH | 25 |

(i) Suggest a device/software and its placement that would provide data security for the entire network of the School.

(ii) Suggest a device and the protocol that shall be needed to provide wireless Internet access to all smartphone/laptop users in the campus of Multipurpose Public School, Bangluru.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

(i) Firewall - Placed with the server at Senior OR Any other valid device/software name

(ii) Device Name: WiFi Router OR WiMax OR RF Router OR Wireless Modem OR RFTransmitter

Protocol : WAP OR 802.16 OR TCP/IP OR VOIP OR MACP OR 802.11
