+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

Explain the role of online social media campaigns, crowdsourcing and smart mobs in society.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Role of Social Media Campaigns:-

A social media campaign should focus around a singular business goal, whether it'* on Facebook or Instagram. Common goals for a social media campaigns include:

  • Getting feedback from users.
  • Building email marketing lists
  • Increasing website traffic

Crowdsourcing is the practice of engaging a ‘crowd’ or group for a common goal — often innovation, problem solving, or efficiency. It is powered by new technologies, social media and web 2.0. Crowdsourcing can take place on many different levels and across various industries.

Smart mobs, so named because each person in the group uses technology to receive information on where to go and what to do. This ability to stay on top of current events makes smart mobs extremely effective
