+2 votes
in Mathematics by kratos

Patients with moderate to severe anaemia have a reduced

A. Cardiac output.

B. Incidence of vascular bruits.

C. 2:3-diphosphoglycerate blood level.

D. Arterial PO2.

E. Capacity to raise oxygen consumption in exercise.

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

A. False Output rises to compensate for the blood’* reduced O2 carrying capacity.

B. False Bruits are common since increased flow velocity and decreased blood viscosity increase the likelihood of turbulent flow.

C. False 2:3-DPG is increased, shifting the dissociation curve to the right so that blood gives up its oxygen more easily.

D. False Arterial PO2 is normal; it is O2 content which is reduced.

E. True Due to the reduced capacity to deliver O2 to the muscles.
