+2 votes
in Mathematics by kratos

Thirst sensation occurs when

A. Osmoreceptors in the sensory cortex are activated.

B. Blood osmolality is raised but blood volume is normal.

C. Blood volume is reduced but blood osmolality is normal.

D. The mouth is dry.

E. A patient has severe diabetic keto-acidosis.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

A. False The emotional drive to drink depends on ‘thirst centres’ in the hypothalamus.

B. True Presumably due to stimulation of hypothalamic osmoreceptors.

C. True Presumably due to stimulation of vascular volume receptors.

D. True Afferents from the upper alimentary tract can influence ‘thirst centre’ activity.

E. True Probably due to osmoreceptor stimulation by the hyperglycaemic blood and a reduction in the activity of vascular volume receptors.
