+2 votes
in Class 10 by kratos

In a trapezium ABCD with AB = 20 cm, CD = 10 cm, AM parallel to CD, P and Q are the mid point of AC and BD then the length of PQ is :

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Let E and F are midpoints of the diagonals AC and BD of trapezium ABCD respectively.

Draw DE and produce it to meet AB at G.

Consider DAEG and DCED

∠AEG = ∠CED (vertically opposite angles)

AE = EC (E is midpoint of AC)

∠ECD = ∠EAG (alternate angles)


⇒ DE = EG ......(1)

And AG = CD .....(2)


E is the midpoint of DG [From (1)]

F is the midpoint of BD

. .. EF is parallel to GB

⇒ EF is parallel to AB

⇒ EF is parallel to AB and CD

Also, EF = 1/2 GB

⇒ EF = 1/2(AB - AG)

⇒ EF = 1/2 (AB - CD) [From (2)]

So, here PQ = 1/2 (20 - 10)

= 5 CM
