+2 votes
in Mathematics by kratos

In unilateral vestibular ***, typical features include

A. The sensation that the external world is revolving.

B. Prolonged nystagmus when cold water is placed in the external auditory meatus on the affected side.

C. A tendency to stagger when walking.

D. A tendency to fall in the dark.

E. Nausea and vomiting.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

A. True Unbalanced vestibular input causes this sensation (vertigo).

B. False In this ‘caloric’ test, reduction in nystagmus duration indicates vestibular abnormality.

C. True Due to inappropriate information affecting brain areas controlling balance.

D. True Compensating visual stimuli are then eliminated.

E. True Unbalanced, excessive or reduced vestibular inputs cause nausea and vomiting as seen in sea-sickness and space-travel sickness.
