+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

Observe the table and answer the questions given below.

| New born | Infants | Infants | **** | Childern over | Well-trained |
| (0 – 3 months) | (3 – 6 months) | (6 – 12 months) | (1 – 10 years) | 10 years & adults, including senior citizens | adults, athletes |
| 100 – 150 | 90 – 120 | 80 – 120 | 70 – 130 | 60 – 100 | 40 – 60 |

Why is heart **** less in athletes ?

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The heart of an athlete works ** when other muscles in the body pump more blood to the heart.

The major muscles of the legs have large veins that fill during relaxation stage of the movement.

The muscle contraction in the active movement pushes the blood back into the circulatory system.

The heart of an athelete pump more blood per . Maximum heart rate as well as resting heart rate falls below the pace of the average heart .
