+3 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

What do you mean by sound pollution. Write its ill effects.

1 Answer

+4 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Sound pollution is a physical form of pollution caused by unwanting sound that affects the receiver directly. It is loud disturbing sound dumped into ambient atmosphere without caring for the adverse affect. It may have sound or pollute at sound has a value of 80 dB and above sound measured in Hertz. Range of human hearing is 50 Hz to 1500 Hz. unit of sound level is dicibal moderate conversating produces 60 dB. Sound loud conversation produces 60 dB, jet aeroplane 150 dB etc.

Ill effects of sound pollution:

(a) Effect on Hearing a sudden loud noise of 150 dB or more may damage ear drum.

(b) Effect on general health like headache, eye strains, hypertension etc.

(c) It may cause insomnia (sleeplessness) and some emotional disturbances.
