+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

Write on the roles of lymphocyte in immunity.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Roles of lymphocyte in immunity:-

B lymphocytes (B cells) produce antibodies that regulate humoral immunity. The T-lymphocytes themselves do not secrete anti-bodies but help B lymphocytes produce them.

The B cells (B lymphocytes) give rise to plasma and memory cells. As we know both type of lymphocytes and other cells of the immune system are produced in the bone marrow. These production of cells of immune system is the bone marrow in called haematopoiesis.

Certain stem cells in the bone marrow give rize to immature lymphocytes. These lymphocytes migrate via blood to the thymus. Once these cells enter the thymmus, they are called thymocytes. In the thymus these cells mature as T-lyphocytes and leave the thymus and like B lymphocytes migrate to the lymphoid tissue throughout the body. This immunity is also celled T-cell immunity.
