+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

Briefly explain the factors affecting the distribution of temperature.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The distribution of temperature on the surface of the earth is not uniform. It varies from. region to region due to various factors.

The various factors affecting the distribution of atmospheric temperature are:

a. Latitude or distance from the equator: Places close to the equator have higher temperature and are warmer than places away l form the equator This is because the Sun rays reach the Earth after passing rays reach the Earth after passing through the layers of the atmosphere. In the low latitudes the Sun rays are direct and have to travel a lesser extent through the atmosphere. Hence, the heat of these rays is more intense. But in high latitudes the Sun rays are slanting and have to passes through a greater extent of atmosphere.

b. Altitude: Temperature decreases with altitude. This is because the heat absorbing elements are found in lower altitude. So the places near the Earth’* surface are warmer than places higher up. This is because air near the surface is denser and contains gases like carbon dioxide, water vapour and other gases. Temperature decreases with increase in height at an average rate of 1°C/165m or 6.4°C/1000m.

c. Distance from the sea: this factor also influence on the distribution of temperature and differential heating of land and water. Land gets heated faster compared to water. Water takes longer time to get heated and to cool than land. Hence during the day when the land gets heated quickly, water takes longer time and *** cool. Therefore, during the day time a land gets more heat than the surrounding water bodies.

d. Ocean currents: It increase or decrease the temperature of the Earth’ surface. Warm ocean currents along the coast make the coastal areas warmer and cold currents reduce the temperature and cool the coastal areas.’ Warm currents can be noticed on the eastern margins of the continents in the middle latitude, while .it is the concurrents flow at the western margins of the continents. Gulf stream a warm currents increases the temperature in the eastern coast of U..A and California bold current decreases the temperature of the western coast of U.*.A.

e. Winds: Winds that from the lower latitudes are warm and make the places warmer. On the other hand, winds that from the higher latitudes are cold and make the places cooler. Winds that ** from the sea bring plenty of rain especially if they are warm winds. While * shore winds hardly bring any rain.

f. Clouds: During the day clouds prevent Insolation from reaching the Earth’ surface. Clouds also prevent three escape of terrestrial’ radiation during the night. Clear sky Permits insolation readily during the day time and allow the rapid escape of terrestrial radiation during the night.
