+2 votes
in Class 12 by kratos

What is Geography? Explain how Geography is an integrating discipline.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The scientific study of the earth surface and its various climates, natural resources and human activities. Geography is a discipline of synthesis. It is considered to be a liaison subject. It recognizes the fact that the world is system of inter dependency. Geography as an integrating discipline stands midway between Natural Science and Social Science, Modern Geography focuses attention on man’* physical, biological and cultural environments and thereby point out the inter-relationship between human activities and the environment.

Physical geography has interface with Natural sciences. The traditional physical Geography is linked with Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology and pedology which have vey close link with Natural Sciences. Bio Geography is closely related to Botany and Zoology, Astronomical Geography is related to heavenly bodies such as Galaxy, solar system, stars, planets, satellites and mathematical Geography helps to represent latitudes, Longitudes shape of the Earth, size, Cartographic and Quantitative Techniques.

Geography also has interface with Social Sciences like History, Sociology, Economics, Political Science, commerce etc. These subjects have close links with other disciples as each one of them ahs spatial attributes.
