+2 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

Briefly explain the factors that determine the climate of india.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by kratos
Best answer

The average weather condition of place for a long ** like 30- 33 years in known in known as climate. India’* climate is said to be “Tropical Monson”.

The main factors are monsoon winds.

(i) Location: The northern part of India in sub-tropical and temperate zone and the part lying to the south of the tropic of ** come under tropical zone. The tropical zone being nearer to the Equator, experiences high temperature throughout the year, with small daily and annual range. Tropic of Caner 23 1/2° N latitude passes through the centre of the country. So India is situated both in the tropical and temperate region.

(ii) Mountain Ranges: The lofty Himalayan Mountains have prevented the cold winds of central Asia, and keep India warm. They are also greatly responsible for the monsoon rains in the country.

(iii) Distribution of Land and Water: India is bounded by the Arabian Sea in the west and Bay of Bengal in the east, Indian Ocean in the south. These adjoining seas have influenced the climate of the country considerably. They influence the rainfall of the coastal region. Even the cyclones which originate from these seas regularly affect the weather condition.

(iv) The relief features of India also affect the temperature, air pressure, direction and speed of wind, the amount and distribution of rainfall. The windward side of Western Ghats and north east received high rainfall from June to September.

(v) Monsoon winds: The climatic conditions of other country are greatly influenced by monsoon winds. The winds **** in a particular direction during one season, but get reversed during the other season.
