+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

Write a note on the development of Literature during Renaissance.

1 Answer

+6 votes
by kratos
Best answer

1. Humanism: The renaissance scholars began to take deep interest in the study of man and his achievements. The humanists promoted rational and humanistic approach, They tried to bring learning into close relation with life. The main idea of this movement was the cultivation of the human personality. Dante, Petrarch, Boccaccio, Cicero, Cervantes and other humanists promoted classical literature. They were called the ‘Morning Stars’.

2. Classicism: A very important feature in Europe during Renaissance was the revival of interest in ancient Greek and ***** classics. This manifested as an expression of classism in Literature along with Art and Architecture. A classical culture developed Europe.

3. Vernacular languages: Renaissance in Europe resulted in the development of vernacular languages like English, **, Spanish and Italian as well. Classical literature in ***** and Greek were translated or written in the vernacular languages. This activity popularised classical literature and developed the vernacular languages also.

4. Renaissance scholars or Rise of new ideas: The teachings of the medieval age were not progressive and the ** controlled all the activities of the people. Religious beliefs, political principles, and social standards were all stagnant in this **. The invention of the printing press made it very convenient and easy to spread the new ideas and thoughts to all the nooks and corners of the world. People became enlightened and progressive. The major literary works of this ** were the following: Dante’ Divine Comedy. Machiavelli’ The Prince, Sir Thomas More’ Utopia, John Milton’ Paradise Lost, and Paradise Regained, Shakespeare’* numerous Comedies, Tragedies, and Plays, Cervantes’ Don Quixote, etc.,
