+3 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

Describe the role of Martin Luther in the Reformation Movement.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Reformation began in Germany and its leader Martin Luther was born at Eiselben in 1483 A.D in a poor ** peasant family. Luther studied theology, law and humanism at the University of Erfurt in 1508 A.D. He was always haunted with the question, “how to please ?” Lie . seriously studied the ** and the works of St. Paul and St. Augustine. He became a Professor of Theology in the University of Wittenberg. Luther strongly believed that man could get salvation only through mercy but the **** preached that it possessed the means of salvation. He rejected the doctrine of good work.

He visited Rome in 1511 A.D and was shocked at the worldliness of the Pope and the corrupt and immoral life led by the clergy. He did not to tolerate the corrupt practices of the **. In 1517, Pope Leo-X sent out several agents to dispense indulgences in order to collect funds to complete St. Peter’* Basilica in Rome. They spread the belief that indulgences were passports to heaven. One of these agents, John Tetzel was selling indulgences as passports to Heaven.

Luther’ opposition: Luther wrote his objection against the practices and Pope’ authority in . He prepared his objections in the form of ‘95 Theses’ and posted them on the door of the in Wittenberg, Thereupon Luther started a rebellious Movement against the abuses of the . This popular revolt came to be known as ***** Movement.

Luther questioned the authority of Pope and challenged the concept of infallibility. As a result of these activities, the Pope ordered Emperor Charles-V to take action against Luther. In 1521 Charles-V summoned the Diet of Worms and ordered Luther to appear before the Diet to justify the charges made against the Pope. In the Diet of Worms, Luther was excommunicated by the Pope. He was expelled from the ** and was branded a heretic.
