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1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Every human activity and accomplishment, with whatever high degree of perfection it might achieve, ends up in decay and disintegration as was the case with the Egyptian Civilization also. Many reasons are attributed to it. In brief, some of them are as given below.

  • The Rulers ** to bring a perfect and workable political system.
  • The weak Rulers were unable to maintain their authority and the feudal Lords gained control resulting in decay and disorder.
  • The ruthless exploitation of lower class and religious intolerance resulted in disharmony and disunity in the society.
  • Internal quarrels among the Rulers led to disunity and disorder.
  • Invasions by uncivilized invaders from ** and Assyria resulted in the demolition of . their temples and halt in the advancement. The invaders were more efficient in the art of warfare.
  • The material *** and contented life discouraged independent thinking, resulting in decline.