+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

Explain the causes and results of Second World War

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The causes of the Second World War are:

1. Treaty of Versailles: The Treaty of Versailles 1919 was too severe, and’it humiliated the Germans. The Allied Powers treated Germany as they liked and the Germans could not tolerate it any longer. The entire responsibility for the losses of the First World War was put on Germany. The Treaty itself was based on revenge. Germany was waiting for a chance to avenge its humiliation and the seeds for another war were sown by this treaty.

2. Expansionist Policy of Japan and Italy: Japan and Italy were not satisfied with the ‘Peace Settlement’. They did not get a proper share of the war spoils. Later, these were the countries, hit hard, as they had limited sources. So, with a view to solve their economic problems, they turned to the policy of aggression and expansion. Japan separated from Allied powers and joined Germany. It wanted to liberate Asia from the western yoke.

3. Rise of Dictators: The rise of dictatorships in Italy under Benito Mussolini, Germany under Adolf ** and Japan under the Government of Tojo was another cause for the war. They glorified the war. Mussolini advocated the martial virtues of Italians and reviving the glories of old Roman Empire. ** spoke of the Aryan supremacy and wanted rearmament, revenge and ** domination. Japan wanted its own Empire and supremacy. In Russia, Stalin established a totalitarian dictatorship.

4. Colonial and Commercial Rivalry: Another cause for the war was the colonial and commercial rivalry. It was a sort of Economic Nationalism. It was a struggle for raw materials, markets for their products and colonies for their excess population. After the First World War, Italy, Germany and Japan were not satisfied. All these countries were pogr in natural resources.

5. ***** of the League of Nations: The League of Nations became too weak and incompetent. The league did not have its own army. It was dominated by few countries like England and France. U..A remained out of the league. As a result, the League totally *** in preserving peace in Europe.

6. Immediate cause: On 1st September 1939, ** invaded Poland which became the immediate cause for the Second World War. Poland was an ally of England and France. Hence Britain and France declared war on Germany.

The results of the Second World War are:

  1. The Second World War was the most destructive of all the wars fought until then. About 25 million people were ** and 50 Million were disabled. Millions of people later of starvation and ****. There was a large scale destruction of houses, industries and communication and transport systems. The destruction of agricultural land led to shortage I of food. After the war, most of the countries faced the problems of post war reconstructions.

  2. The World War II ended the dictatorships in Italy and Germany. Italy was declared a Republic under Badogli, and Germany was divided into four zones under U..A., U...R., Britain and France. A Tribunal was set up at Nuremberg to conduct trials of the leading Nazis. Japan gave up all its rights on China. Japan was occupied by the I Allied Powers.( U..A)

  3. **** domination of the world ended after this war. After the Second World War, U..A, and U...R emerged as two super powers. The mutual distrust between U..A and U...R increased after the war. This led to what is known as the ‘Cold War’.

  4. The rivalry of these two super powers had been the most important feature of international relations since 1945. As a result, world peace was constantly under threat.

  5. The World War resulted in the victory of the principle of Nationalism and the liquidation of Colonialism. The colonial Empires of the **** powers in Asia, ** and ***** America came to an end. India, Ceylon, Indonesia and other countries became independent after the war.

  6. The Jews had become homeless during the regime in Germany. About six Million Jews perished in the concentration camps. After the war, with the help of U..A., a new home land (*) for the Jews was created in 1948.

  7. Japan experienced the disastrous effects of atomic weapons. Its entire atmosphere became poisonous. Most of the new born **** suffered from serve deformities.

  8. The most important result of the World War Second was the birth of United Nations Organization with the object of preventing further wars and maintaining peace in future,
