+3 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

Explain the causes of **** war of Independence.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The main causes for the **** Revolution or war of Independence were the following.

  1. Commercial policy of England

  2. Seven years War

  3. Intellectual Causes

  4. British taxation Policy

  5. Coercive Act

  6. Quebec Act

Commercial policy of England: British Parliament thought that the colonies were for the benefit of the motherland. So they levied heavy taxes and to further restrict the trade of the colonies, they introduced the Navigation act.

The main features of this act-were:

  1. The raw materials produced in America (coffee, cotton, tobacco, etc) should be exported to England only.

  2. The essential goods like cotton, linen, cloth, glass, sugar, etc. that America needed should be imported from England only.

  3. Americans should use only the British ships for trade to keep away competition of other ^**** nations.

  4. Iron, blue, paper, cotton, linen, cloth, etc. that were produced by England should not be produced in America.

  5. England’* merchant-agents should be kept and be given security.

Seven years War: England could not tolerate the progress of France, and did not want her to establish settlements in their neighborhood. The colonies also wanted British protection against the French. England declared war in 1756, which lasted till 1763. It is called the ‘Seven years war’. England won the war. The war ended with the Treaty of Paris, and France had to give away Canada to England. Thus the **** colonies were freed from the of the French **.

Intellectual Causes: The colonists set up their own social and political institutions. Their enlightenment was due to their own heritage. John Adams, a philosopher remarked, “The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of Americans and it had started even before the **** war of Independence”. Roger Williams, a symbol of **** enlightenment, preached Religious Tolerance and separation of State from the **.

‘Two Treatises of Government’ by John Locke is considered as the of ** war Of Independence. Thus the ** enlightened class and philosophers the strong foundation for the ***** Revolution.

British taxation Policy: The seven years war with France was a big financial burden on England. To recover these expenses, England levied taxes on goods imported into the colonies. The Sugar and Molasses Act was passed in 1764 which levied taxes on sugar and molasses. This was a hindrance to the production of wine. It led to the increase of smuggling activities and the colonies faced many problems. The public outcry made the British Parliament to decrease the same.

The stamp Act was passed in 1764, which declared that stamp duties were to be paid on all legal documents. The colonists opposed this Act. They said that the British Parliament did not have the right to tax the colonists when they were not given representation in the Parliament. Their slogan was ‘No Taxation without Representation’. The colonists showed their anger by burning the stamps. British Parliament was forced to withdraw this act.

In 1767, the Townsend Act was passed which imposed heavy taxes on Glass, Paper and Tea. Troops were sent to help the officers in collecting the taxes. When the colonists protested and revolted, troops were sent to put down the same. British troops occupied Boston and in a ***** with them, five people lost their lives and many were injured. After this ‘Boston Massacre’, taxes on glass and paper were withdrawn and to show their power and control, tax on tea was retained.

Boston Tea Party: British Parliament passed an Act in 1773 and gave the monopoly of Tea trade to the East India Company. Colonists resented it. Cheaper Tea powder was available in the ***** market. When the first consignment came to New York and Philadelphia they were forced to go back to England. But again when another ship loaded with Tea packets arrived at Boston in 1773, the colonists disguised themselves as ‘Red Indians’ under the leadership of Paul Revere, entered the ship and threw the Tea boxes into the ocean marking the ‘Boston Tea Party’.
