+2 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

Match each of the set on the left in the roster form with the same

| (i) | (1,2,3,6} | (a) | (x: x is a prime number and a divisor of 6} |
| (ii) | {2,3} | (b) | {x : x is an odd natural number less than 10} |
| (iii) | {M, A, T, H, E, I,C,*} | (c) | {x : x is a natural number and divisor of 6} |
| (iv) | {11,3,5,7,9} | (d) | {x : x is a letter of the word MATHEMATICS} |

1 Answer

+2 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Answer is

(i) →(c), (ii) → (a), (iii) → (d), (iv) → (b).
