+1 vote
in Class 11 by kratos

Write in brief importance of the study of Political Science.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

The study of political science is very useful to the individuals and the society. As it said by Bernard Shaw that “political science by which alone civilization can be saved”. Political science exerts its influence on the life and destiny of human beings. Why political science has become so important in the life of man? It can be judged on the following grounds:

1. Essential for a cultured existence: The study of Political Science introduces an individual to the requirements of a civilized and cultured society.

2. To understand evolution of state and government: Political Science is a study of state and government in all its aspects, in order to understand the roots of state and government such as how and why the state and government came into existence and why it continues to be in existence and what are the essential factors that makes a state, the types and forms of government, the aims and objectives of the government, etc., the knowledge of political science is essential.

3. To provide knowledge of rights and duties: Every citizen, especially in a democracy desires to have knowledge of rights and duties. It is in political science that one learns all ‘t the aspects of these rights and duties.

4. To make Democracy effective: Democracy today is the most popular system of government. Many factors contribute to success and effectiveness of democracy. Political science enables one to understand all the principles, merits and defects of democracy.

5. Provides political education: The study of political science provides political education to a citizen so that he may understand national problems in a new perspective.

6. Provides knowledge of ideologies: The study of political science provides a vast knowledge of various prevailing ideologies like democracy, socialism, communism, nazism, fascism, etc.

7. Knowledge useful to political leaders and bureaucrats: Knowledge of political science is very useful to the political leaders to carry on the working of the government effectively. Knowledge of the constitution is necessary to everyone to contribute better to the functioning of the government.

8. To understand political power: Political Science helps citizens to understand the concept of political power; how governments function; what are the interest and forces behind the policies; who are his elected representatives and what they stand for.

9. To promote human warfare: Political Science in the contemporary ** the fact that it creates conditions for economic progress since it is motivated by an interest in human ***.

  1. To understand international relations and contribute to peace: International relations is one of the specialized branches of political science dealing with the relationship among sovereign states. It includes many concepts like balance power, collective security, alliances, treaties, international law, international organizations, etc.