+1 vote
in Class 12 by kratos

Discuss the features of unitary government.

1 Answer

+5 votes
by kratos
Best answer

Features of Unitary Government:

1. Concentration of Power: A Unitary government is characterized by the presence of a ’ single centre, which is omnipotent and omnipresent all over the territory. All decisions of the state flow from one single centre.

2. No Provincial Autonomy: The provinces or local units in a unitary system are created by the centre for the sake of administrative convenience. It carries out the orders of the centre without having any powers to make decisions. Thus, the local units only act as subordinate agents of the centre without any authority or autonomy.

3. Single legislature: In a unitary system of government there will be only one single supreme legislative assembly which makes laws for the whole country and are faithfully implemented by the local units.

4. Constitution may be written or unwritten: The constitution, in a unitary government, may be written or unwritten as there is one single central authority wielding power all over the state without any other centres of power.
