+3 votes
in Class 11 by kratos

Explain briefly how democracy developed in Athens.

1 Answer

+3 votes
by kratos
Best answer

At first, the City-States were ruled by Monarchs. Each Monarch began to govern his City State with the assistance of a council, consisting of nobles. Then wealthy land owners took over the political power and abolished Monarchy. With the increase in the population of the cities, trade, commerce and industry expanded and middle class developed.

This class joined with poor farmers to lessen the power of the land owners. This conflict resulted in the rise of. ‘Dictators’ or ‘Tyrants’ as Greeks called them. But there were changes particularly with regard to Sparta and Athens. Sparta turned into a Military State, her government was ruled by few nobles. Two of these nobles became Kings.

Athens registered a remarkable progress in Politics, Laws, Literature, Art, Science and Philosophy. Athenians were fond of trying political experiments. Monarchy and Oligarchy did not suit their temperament. So they discarded them. With the contributions of law givers like Draco, Solon, and Cleisthenes, democracy came into existence at Athens.
